
Breathe Easy: How Turbine Vents Improve Roof Ventilation

July 10, 2023
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Turbine vents are known for maximizing roof efficiency. Also known as whirlybird vents, they give provide an innovative and fresh twist. They are designed to optimize air circulation within a building. Turbine vents offer efficiency that other vents cannot match. Cookies cutter approaches like ridge vents benefit the manufacturers, not the homeowner. Alternately a turbine…

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Protect Your Roof with High-Temperature Ice and Water Membrane

May 4, 2023
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High temperature ice and water membranes are a tougher, typically thicker and more durable underlayment than traditional ice and water membranes and that makes them a smart choice for protecting your roof. In cold weather climates, it is smart to put the ice and water membrane along the bottom 6 feet as that is where…

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Common Downspout Shortcuts and Problems

May 1, 2023
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When it comes to gutter and downspout installation, hiring a professional contractor is the best way to ensure that your new gutters are installed correctly and will function properly. However, even professional contractors use shortcuts to simplify the installation process and save themselves time and money. There are two trains of thought — take your…

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Top 10 Questions about Roofing

April 24, 2023
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How long does a roof install take? We do most roof installs in just one day. What is a roof inspection. We assess the condition of the current roof including shingles, flashings and perforations. By inspecting what we can see, we get a good sense for those things we cannot see such as ice and water…

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Everything You Need to Know About Finding a Reliable Roofing Contractor

February 24, 2023
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When it comes to taking care of your home, few things are more important than ensuring that your roof is in good condition. This is where a roofing contractor comes in. A roofing contractor is a professional who specializes in installing, repairing, and maintaining roofs on homes and other buildings. Whether you need a new…

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The Benefits of Regular Roof Maintenance (2023)

February 21, 2023
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Your home’s roof is one of its most important features, providing critical protection from the elements and keeping your family safe and comfortable. But too often, homeowners neglect this essential component of their homes, failing to give their roofs the regular attention and maintenance they require. In this blog post, we’ll explore the many benefits of…

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Great Vinyl Siding is all about the Details

September 7, 2022
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Some people look at vinyl siding with skepticism but that’s because they may have never seen a great vinyl siding job. More especially, one where the installer pays attention to details. Quality and Accessories Quality: Vinyl siding can be an affordable luxury product or it can just be cheap.  Prices can vary and more often…

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Understanding Black Mold

July 10, 2022
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Mold can be a real problem and understanding black mold, the most common of molds, is the first step to managing a problem.  But first, you should understand that mold remediation is an unregulated industry.  Self proclaimed mold experts are often generous to themselves in their claims. Most often the most common mistake is to…

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Are Metal roofs a good idea?

July 7, 2022
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Not a day goes by that I don’t see an ad for a metal roof and a common question I get is, “are metal roofs a good idea”? The straight answer is, “it depends”. But before rushing out to buy a metal roof you should go into it with the knowledge of whether it makes…

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Why Black is a Horrible Color for a Roof

March 7, 2022
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Black roofs put fashion over function and are a horrible choice for energy. There are ethical reasons to choose a lighter color as well. Ask yourself these important questions before making a horrible decision: These are all important questions and it’s also important to go into a situation like this knowing why most contractors are…

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